In the second installment of the “ARISE Schools” video series we follow “Ilinden” Primary School as they showcase an example of democracy in action - a governing body of students called the Student Parliament.
The Student Parliament, elected by the students for the students, is a way for the students to voice their concerns and ideas to the school staff. Representatives are elected for one-year mandates, and they meet once a month to discuss initiatives to improve the quality of teaching and help vulnerable groups in their school.
In partnership with the ARISE Network, OU Ilinden developed and implemented several initiatives in line with their mission.
Through joint effort of the school staff, students, parents and the local community they organized a performance celebrating the patron saint of the school. They coordinated the “Stay @ School” project, organizing creative literacy workshops for the Roma students, in cooperation with the local government of Kriva Palanka. Through the “Be IN, be INCLUSIVE, be INCLUDED” initiative they equipped a sensory room, organized workshops for teachers on special needs education and engaged personal assistants and tutors to support inclusion of children with special needs in education.
Check it out!
Visit their website and follow them on Facebook for more information!